A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a podcast is only as good as its discoverability.
Clean Cut Copy is committed to bringing your efforts to life through text, creating engaging, story-driven show notes, blog posts and supporting articles that drive traffic to your podcast, boosting listenership and making all your hard work worth it!

Show Notes
If you've ever scrolled through a podcast platform, trying to decide which episode of your favorite show to listen to, the descriptions you see beneath each installment are the show notes.
Similar to the synopsis on a book jacket, engaging show notes expand your audience by piquing the interest of the listener. They also have the potential to foster an interactive experience by including links to relevant topics, along with the invitation to connect with show hosts through websites or social media. Show notes also benefit SEO, further pushing your podcast to stardom!
Blog Posts + Articles
If you're looking to level up, augmenting your podcast with thoughtful articles is the next step.
Blog posts and articles add depth to your website, not only by increasing SEO but also as a way to demonstrate authority in your field. This is an opportunity to either expand upon points made in the show, or explore related topics of interest to your listeners. Another option is to make your blog accessible through exclusive membership, creating an opportunity to generate income by offering your audience bonus material.